Facebook Rights Manager is a tool that helps creators and publishers protect their copyrighted content on Facebook and Instagram. It works by scanning all videos, images, and audio that are uploaded to these platforms for matches to reference files that rights holders have provided. If a match is found, Rights Manager can help rights holders take action, such as blocking the content, monetizing it, or tracking how it is being used.

Rights Manager is a valuable tool for rights holders of all sizes, from individual creators to media publishers and sports leagues. It can help them to:

  • Protect their copyrighted content from unauthorized use
  • Monetize their content by granting permissions to others to use it
  • Track how their content is being used across Facebook and Instagram
  • Identify and address copyright infringement

To be eligible for Rights Manager, rights holders must have a valid copyright registration and a Facebook Business Suite account. Once they have been approved for Rights Manager, they can upload their reference files and start scanning for matches.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Facebook Rights Manager:

  • Proactive protection: Rights Manager can scan for matches to reference files even before content is published, helping to prevent copyright infringement from happening in the first place.
  • Real-time monitoring: Rights Manager can monitor content across Facebook and Instagram in real time, helping rights holders to identify and address copyright infringement quickly.
  • Scalability: Rights Manager can be used to protect a large amount of content at scale, making it a valuable tool for rights holders of all sizes.
  • Flexibility: Rights holders can choose how they want to respond to matches, from blocking the content to monetizing it or tracking how it is being used.

Overall, Facebook Rights Manager is a powerful tool that can help rights holders to protect their copyrighted content and manage it effectively across Facebook and Instagram.

How to apply Facebook Right Manager?

To apply for Facebook Rights Manager, you must first create a Facebook Business Suite account. Once you have created an account, you can submit a request for access to Rights Manager.

To submit a request for access to Rights Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Rights Manager application form.
  2. Enter your Facebook Business Suite account information.
  3. Select the type of content that you want to protect with Rights Manager.
  4. Provide information about your content, such as the title, description, and copyright information.
  5. Upload reference files for your content.
  6. Review your application and submit it.

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by Facebook. You will receive an email notification once your application has been approved or denied.

If your application is approved, you will be able to access Rights Manager from your Facebook Business Suite account. To do this, go to Creator Studio > Rights Manager.

Once you are in Rights Manager, you can upload additional reference files, manage your content catalog, and view reports on how your content is being used.

Here are some tips for applying for Facebook Rights Manager:

  • Make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Provide clear and accurate information about your content.
  • Upload high-quality reference files.
  • Review your application carefully before submitting it.

If you have any questions about applying for Facebook Rights Manager, you can contact Facebook Support and help.

What are eligibility criteria to apply to Facebook Right Manager?

To be eligible to apply to Facebook Rights Manager, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have a valid copyright registration for the content that you want to protect.
  • You must have a Facebook Business Suite account.
  • You must be a page admin or editor for the Facebook Page where you want to use Rights Manager.
  • You must have multiple pieces of original content that you want to protect.
  • You must not have any past copyright infringements or violations on your Facebook Page.

If you meet all of these criteria, you can submit a request for access to Rights Manager.

Here are some additional tips for applying to Facebook Rights Manager:

  • Make sure that your copyright registration is up to date.
  • Provide clear and accurate information about your content in your application.
  • Upload high-quality reference files for your content.
  • Review your application carefully before submitting it.

If you have any questions about applying to Facebook Rights Manager, you can contact Facebook Support.


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